Mt. Hood Academy at Bark’s Basecamp on September 4, 2016

Mt. Hood Academy: Register now for the Sunday, September 4, 2016 Bark Mt. Hood Forest Basecamp Academy! Please note: All children attending this Academy must be accompanied a parent or guardian. Parents, please sign up as volunteers for the Academy at the link below. You can stay longer at Basecamp or make it a day trip, but camping the night…… Continue reading Mt. Hood Academy at Bark’s Basecamp on September 4, 2016

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Miko and Isaac Elected to the Global Board!

We have some major developments to share! We are delighted to announce that Isaac Vergun was elected as the 2016-2017 Representative of North America & Oceania to the governing Children’s Board of Plant for the Planet! Ambassadors worldwide also elected him to be President of Children’s Board! And, Miko Vergun was elected as the 2016-2017 Representative to the governing Youth Board of Plant…… Continue reading Miko and Isaac Elected to the Global Board!

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